Code for Sustainable Homes Assessment

PAAD are certified assessors for the Code for Sustainable Homes. The 'Code' is an assessment method for rating & certifying the performance of new homes. Drafted by the Building Research Establishment (BRE), it is designed to encourage sustainable design for new build homes.

The code takes account of many areas of sustainability that are not covered by other standards, therefore giving it a much broader scope for improving design. The areas covered are :-

  • Energy & CO2 Emissions
  • Water
  • Materials
  • Surface Water Run-off
  • Waste
  • Pollution
  • Health & Well-being
  • Management
  • Ecology

The service is split over three stages.

  • Pre-assessment

    This is a non-compulsory stage to the assessment, but is largely aimed at assessing the scope that the Code can be implemented in to the project. An idea of the level rating that is achievable and desired can be formed. A strategy can then be developed outlining the ways of achieving the required credits. This stage would usually be carried out prior to a planning application taking place.

  • Design

    This is a compulsory stage to the assessment. This is where a detailed account of where the credits are aiming to be gathered. This assessment compiles some of the evidence required and gives a clear indication of the level rating that should be achieved. This does not mean that the level is now set, as aspects can be added, changed and removed to change the rating during construction. This stage would be carried out through the building regulations and working package phase.

  • Post Construction

    This is the final report which includes all the evidence required to prove the credits have been achieved where claimed. From this the certifying body can then issue a certificate of the official level in Code for Sustainable Homes rating.

The Code is not mandatory on small and single developments but does outline key areas that will help improve the design and sustainability of residential properties. This is why even if an assessment is not being carried out on a project, as a practice we actively refer to the Code and encourage its principles.